unBox is striving to become an antiracist organization.
unBox pledges our continued commitment to combating racism in the United States. Systemic racial injustice and white supremacy plague our country, and oppress and dehumanize all they touch.
We commit to identifying and challenging racism, inequality, and noninclusion in all forms within our organization, by educating ourselves in the conscious, unconscious, visible, and invisible ways that aggression manifests, addressing acts of active and passive discrimination, ensuring our shared spaces are safe, inclusive, and welcoming, guaranteeing representation of diverse identities and perspectives in our membership and leadership, elevating members’ lived experiences of inequality which guide and inform our work, and fundamentally being friends to one another.
unBox is working to expand dignified access to fresh, nutritious, affordable food. We acknowledge that race-based oppression, violence, and inequality are among the root causes of hunger and poverty. Therefore, combatting racism is an essential part of our mission and is necessary for challenging food insecurity and food injustice.
We explicitly and publicly affirm our goal of striving to become an antiracist organization. We work towards this commitment through our work, our culture, and our community.
unBox community members maintain an Antiracism and Community Support Resources document, to catalogue and share resources for learning about, educating about, practicing, and healing through antiracism and anti-discrimination. A living document, it is editable by anyone. We welcome all public contributions that are adherent to our document norms, and that can inform, inspire, and fuel our antiracist education and action.