38% of college students faced food insecurity in 2020.

While COVID-19 has worsened the crisis, many college students faced profound basic needs challenges long before the pandemic.

As students and recent graduates, we refuse to accept this.

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In 2020, 38,602 students from 54 colleges and universities in 26 states completed a survey, revealing that “twenty-one percent of respondents dealing with basic needs insecurity applied for unemployment insurance, 15% applied for SNAP, and 15% applied for emergency aid. But many students did not apply for supports because they did not know they were eligible to do so.” - Hope Center

We rally alongside our fellow campus organizers in the fight for college student basic needs.

  • The EATS Act of 2021

    We participated in Challah For Hunger’s SNAP into Action Week, alongside Southern California Campus Action Network, joining lobby visits to California Congressional Representatives’ offices to earn co-sponsors of the EATS Act.