Anne Moertel on the fight for Universal Free School Meals

and explore our

Bye bye July, National Watermelon Month! Bring it on August - we're ready for National Peach Month! But we before we close out July, we'll meet for our unBox team call tomorrow at 9 am PST/12 pm EST. Click this link to add the bi-weekly invitation to your calendar or join directly using this Zoom link (PW: 278840).

And! To big fans of our unBox newsletter: we've posted our archives live on our website! Pass that subscription link along to your foodie friends!

Tomorrow's Call Agenda: 

FEATURED PRESENTATION: Anne Moertel is a writer, designer and advocate working at the intersection of health policy and public education. She currently serves as the Outreach and Communications Manager for the Center for Ecoliteracy, where she helped lead a coalition that successfully advocated for universal school meals for all public school students in California. 

Previously, Anne led communications at the San Francisco Unified School District on safe and equitable food access for students during the COVID-19 crisis. From 2011-2019, Anne served as Creative Director for Healthy Schools Campaign, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for healthy school environments that provide nutritious food, health services and opportunities for physical activity.
Anne will share how communications can improve school meal programs, existing barriers for families in accessing school meals, and why California’s new universal school meals program is our biggest opportunity to nourish children, procure locally-grown foods, and create good jobs for school nutrition professionals.
Read, listen, learn with us.

A group of unBox team members - thank you Angie for the ideation and organizing! - are starting a reading group to explore and discuss great reads (and also the occasional great listen or watch) diving into far-reaching themes of social justice, activism, liberation movements, and beyond. 
In preparation and context-setting for our first James Baldwin read, we'll be listening to, then meeting to discuss, this NPR Throughline podcast with historian Eddie Glaude, exploring Baldwin's legacy. Date and time TBD, either August 14 of 15.
Email if interested in joining!



Stay plugged in:

Good News + Great Reads: Events:
  • August 2 - 19: Swipe Out Hunger Summit Series - Anatomy of a Leader. This three-week skill-building workshop series will empower dedicated student leaders with the tools they need to become more effective and powerful changemakers. Apply today!
  • August 17 and 18, 1-6 pm EST: The Challah Convention from Challah for Hunger
Job opportunities:
As always, we invite you to join tomorrow's Bi-weekly Friday Team Call, from 9 - 10 AM PT/ 12 - 1 PM ET. Join here:

Join via Zoom (Password: 278840)
Or call in via: +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 957 7481 8469; Password: 278840


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The unBox Team

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Meals4Families team present on building accessible, effective tools connecting kids with food


Conrad Schmidt teaches unBox about urban gardening and agroecology