Meals4Families team present on building accessible, effective tools connecting kids with food

and explore our

Join our last unBox team call of the summer! Tomorrow, we'll meet at 9 am PST/12 pm EST. Click this link to add the bi-weekly invitation to your calendar or join directly using this Zoom link (PW: 278840).

After tomorrow, we're going on summer break! There will be no team call on August 27, or September 10 - then we'll resume in the Fall. Before we reconvene in Fall, we'll survey our community about rescheduling the team call time, so all interested can join!

Looking for something to celebrate? 
(apart from the Senate finally passing the Infrastructure Bill!)

How about: the incredible work you've contributed to this community, making our work, network, and impact possible! Our website now features an archive of all unBox's news media spotlights. Click the link below and explore how far we've come together!

🗞unBox in the News🗞

Tomorrow's Call Agenda:

FEATURED PRESENTATION: We have the immense pleasure of being joined by the Meals4Families team - Mariamawit Abebe, Kevin Chen, Dania Fernandez, Caleb Watson, Marcos de Oliveira, Zoe Hecht, Shea Rouse, Deja Wells, and Kate Hanson! The team shares a sneak peak for their Friday talk:

"Meals4Families is a communication platform that connects families with local free meals.

As we join unBox to share our Summer 2021 work, we will highlight:
  • what we learned about current summer meal communication practices
  • our vision for the M4F web app
  • our goals for inclusive design, and tools that help us in the design process
  • lessons we have learned from unBox that we apply to our design process
  • areas where M4F, unBox, and Hunger Free America might continue to collaborate
Our Summer 2021 team is looking forward to sharing with you and hearing your feedback!"
Join our first reading group meeting 7-8 pm August 15!
The one-and-only Angie has coordinated a reading group to explore great reads (plus the occasional great listen or watch!) diving deep into themes of social justice, activism, liberation movements, and beyond. All are welcome! For our first meeting this Sunday, we'll discuss the NPR podcast episode “James Baldwin’s Shadow.
This Sunday August 15, 7-8 pm PST
Zoom Link Here

Calendar Link Here

Stay plugged in:

Good News + Great Reads: Events:  Leadership Training and Job Opportunities:
  • LA Food Policy Council:
    • Apply by August 29 to participate in the Food Leaders Lab (FLL) - a 10-week virtual leadership development program offered by the Los Angeles Food Policy Council, for and by Angelenos with lived experiences navigating food justice issues. Participants will design and work on a community-based project. The 2021 participants will learn and engage with their local Supervisorial Districts plus present lessons learned with elected representatives and respective communities regarding local food justice issues.
    • Senior Policy Associate - deadline August 23
  • Grassroots Ecology: 9 Month Paid Internship - deadline August 29
  • uAspire: 2021/2022 Student Advocacy Fellowship - deadline September 9
As always, we invite you to join tomorrow's Bi-weekly Friday Team Call, from 9 - 10 AM PT/ 12 - 1 PM ET. Join here:

Join via Zoom (Password: 278840)
Or call in via: +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 957 7481 8469; Password: 278840


In community,
The unBox Team

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SNAP benefits increase 25%


Anne Moertel on the fight for Universal Free School Meals