unBox members attend MLK Serve-a-Thon


Dear unBox community member,

From MLK Day to the Inauguration, it has been a powerful week of reflection on our nations' past and future. Mobilized to action by the leaders of history and of today, our unBox team continues to strive towards building a better future. 

unBox Team Spotlights:
Project Updates:

  • 22 unBox volunteers working on BayAreaCommunity.org (BAC) — students and recent grads from 3 universities and 4 high schools! —attended our 2021 BAC Kick-off to convene on new goals for our comprehensive resource website.
  • Pioneering our BAC organization matching program, one volunteer will help Stanford Pediatric Advocacy update resource flyers for Stanford Hospital's most underserved patients. 
  • Members participated in Hunger Free America's MLK Serve-a-Thon, learning from modern anti-hunger leaders about how food justice movements can further advance Dr. King's vision of radical, systemic social and economic change through non-violent action. Watch the Keynote here. 

Stay plugged in:
What We're Reading

  • Advisor Joel Berg and other NYC policy leaders, advocates, and residents reflect on President Biden's moving Inaugural Address in a recent City Limits article.
  • USDA is approving more states to roll-out their P-EBT 2.0 plans!
  • Advisor Conrad Schmidt shared about Leanne Brown’s “Good and Cheap” cookbook, full of wholesome, delicious meals that can be made on a $4/day SNAP budget. It’s available as a free PDF, but for each copy you buy, another is given to a low-income family in need.

What We're Watching

  • January 26; 10:00 am PT:  The Racial Equity and Hunger National Learning Network hosts Promoting Racial Equity in Policy, to help anti-hunger organizations understand how to promote racial equity in the policies they support to end hunger. 
  • February 4; 12:30 pm PT: The Fair Food Network and SPUR host The Economic Benefits of Dramatically Expanding Food Incentives. Healthy food incentive programs have increased the purchasing power of low-income families to buy fruits and vegetables at grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Learn about a powerful new study that models the economic return, in revenue and jobs, if policymakers supported a deep investment in scaling up these programs.

As always, we invite you to our weekly Friday Team Calls, from 9 - 10 AM PT/ 12 - 1 PM ET. Join here:

Join via Zoom (Password: 278840)
Or call in via: +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 957 7481 8469; Password: 278840


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USA Today features unBox SNAP Online research


unBox partners with SFUSD on P-EBT outreach