unBox presents at the UN Food Systems Summit Game Changers Lab Assembly

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We're back!

And we can't wait to jump back into action together! Our unBox Team Calls are now MONTHLY, from 9-10 am PST, on the FIRST FRIDAY of the month!

Join our team call this Friday
October 1 @ 9 am PST/12 pm EST! 

Click here to add the unBox Team Call invite to your Google Calendar.
Or, join directly from this Zoom link: 
https://stanford.zoom.us/j/95774818469?pwd=Ris0VkozK3B2UFFBNTRwWFBESktpQT09 (PW: 278840)

Mark your calendars for our team calls starting this Friday, happening from 9-10 am PST on October 1, November 5, and December 3.

unBox Project Announcements
unBox took part in the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit!

We were honored to have participated alongside 800+ international food systems activists and innovators in the Food Systems Game Changers Lab. Our team, Cohort 19, developed and presented an Action Agenda for "Enabling Affordable and Accessible Nutrition" to an international community of policymakers, activisms, business executives, researchers, and more. Find us in the report!
unBox's BayAreaCommunity.org project is proud to partner with One Degree!

One Degree is working to empower people to create a path out of poverty for themselves and for their communities. Their nonprofit resource referral platform helps individuals seeking help - and the case workers and community networks who support them - access helpful, simple, culturally-relevant information about social services. unBox's BayAreaCommunity.org project is proud to partner with One Degree to help deepen their Bay Area impact, and help more local residents fuel their resilient path towards success and wellbeing!

Clinton Foundation Recognizes unBox's BayAreaCommunity.org 

Last week, the Clinton Foundation spotlighted BayAreaCommunity.org alongside several other inspiring youth-led social impact projects. Celebrate with us on Twitter!

Submit content for the unBox newsletter!

Want to share a great article with the unBox community? Publicize your new and exciting  projects, initiatives, research or campaigns through our network? Share a  job posting or event? 

Use this form to submit content for us to add to this monthly newsletter!

All content must be appropriate and respectful. Beyond that rule: all content related to food activism, policy, advocacy, and research, as well as broader topics of equity, anti-poverty, sustainability, community organizing, public health, and social justice are eagerly welcome!

2 Actions You Can Take for Hunger Action Month

1. Urge your Members of Congress to Protect the Anti-Hunger Provisions in the Build Back Better Act

The Build Back Better Act includes $35 billion for Child Nutrition programs! It would expand the Community Eligibility Provision to give more students access to free meals, expand summer EBT, and more. 

Some Members of Congress want to cut down provisions in the bill. Use FRAC's email-your-rep tool to urge your Congresspeople to protect the act's anti-hunger and anti-poverty provisions.

Californians can use Nourish CA's great action toolkit too!

2. Join Hunger Free America's #SNAPtheStigma campaign!

Sign HFA's petition to make SNAP more accessible & remove time limits, and participate on social media!

Get Ready for World Food Day October 16!

Join the End Hunger in 30 Challenge with the Congressional Hunger Center 


"The End Hunger in 30 Challenge prepares you to be an effective advocate for ending hunger in your community. Set aside 30 minutes a day for guided lessons, readings from experts, and a lively discussion forum to sharpen your knowledge and skills as a Zero Hunger Advocate. Complete it during your morning or evening commute, or even at lunch time—you'll receive daily email reminders to keep you on-track."

Great Reads and Listens


Beyond the plate:

New Research

Job Opportunities

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Christina Sewell speaks on the need for a plant-forward transition


SNAP benefits increase 25%