Christina Sewell speaks on the need for a plant-forward transition

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On this Friday's team call
November 5 at 9 am PST/12 pm EST
we welcome our featured guest:

Christina Sewell

Christina Sewell is a passionate advocate for a sustainable, just, and healthy food system and comes from a background in nonprofit animal and environmental protection campaigns and the US Army military intelligence and public affairs branches. She recently earned her energy and environmental policy MPA from Columbia SIPA, during which she served as a contributing author to Columbia SIPA Magazine and the School's Journal of International Affairs. She also organized resource mobilization and partnerships at the UNFCCC secretariat in preparation for COP 26.

As a human, environmental, and animal advocate, Christina is interested in finding ways to make healthy, sustainable, and just diets more accessible to everyone. This week, she'll explore her top takeaways for how and why the food system must better advance fresh produce and alternative proteins, the action agenda she helped develop as part of Thought for Food's Food Systems Game Changers Lab, and her plan to connect climate-smart, plant-centric fare to low-income families across the US.

unBox Project Announcements
unBox's SNAP Online Guides:
now in Spanish and Mandarin!

unBox's incredible translation team translated each custom guide - a full-length booklet and a front-and-back-flyer - into Spanish and Mandarin - for all 48 states with SNAP Online Purchasing! (We are still in the process of posting the rest of the Chinese full-length booklets on the site; stay tuned!). Contact Angelina Polselli ( to learn more about the Guides or ask any questions!
The Rockefeller Foundation spotlights unBox's Food Systems Game Changers Lab Cohort

Among 24 Cohorts participating in the Food Systems Gamechangers Lab, the Rockefeller Foundation spotlighted the one in which unBox is a leading member - "Enabling Affordable and Accessible Nutrition" - in their concluding brief on the FSGCL! We continue to work with our cohort to advance our co-developed, collective global solution, presented at the UN-affiliated assembly. Please reach out if interested in learning more or partnering to scale our solution!

unBox presented at "All About No Waste at Stanford"'s Fall 2021 Innovation Expo 

All About No Waste @ Stanford

Kyle Winterboer and UCLA Resnick Center Highlight Urgent College Food Security Action Items for Students, Admin, and Policymakers; Cites unBox
Kyle - Resnick Center research assistant, UCLA Luskin School student, and valued unBox community member - urges policymakers to pass the EATS Act, campuses to enact Basic Needs Centers, and admin to enroll their programs as "Local Programs that Increases Employability" to free their student SNAP applicants from the 20 hour work requirement.

November is Native American Heritage Month
Learn from Native News Online about the history of this month, and stand in solidarity with Native communities where you live. Yesterday was local Elections Day: if you didn't get out to the polls or didn't have items on your local ballot, there are still ways to get loud and advocate for Native rights this month. The Center for American Progress outlines 2 key policy actions all can take to support Native women:

  • Native American women make 60 cents for every dollar that white American men make. Urge Congress to Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Push your representatives to champion paid family leave, affordable child and elderly care, education, health care, and earned income and child tax credits.

Build Back Better
We need Build Back Better. And we need it to be BIG. Check out how BBB would help your state.

What the most recent bill draft delivers on: universal pre-K, climate action, Medicare, extensions of the child tax credit, child care funding, Pell grant increases, housing, rural partnerships, and more. 
What got cut: free community college and paid family leave.
What we need to stay: $10 billion in crucial child nutrition program funding that support expansions to the Community Eligibility Provision and Summer EBT. unBox joined over 800 organizations urging Congress to pass BBB including its transformative child nutrition provisions. 


Like our IG post  and use our to find No Kid Hungry and FRAC tools for 
taking action!!

Updates on Fave Bills We've All Pushed For
What about those other policies we love? They're moving onward and upward!!

  • California's “School Meals for All” program will provide every CA public school student with free lunch and breakfast starting in the 2022-23 school year. Join the LunchAssist community to stay tuned!
  • California's "Food4All" coalition ensured that immigrants of any status will one day be able to recieve state food assistance. The coalition is in talks with CDSS about how the $5 million set aside for technical implementation of this program will proceed. An additional $25 million is allocated for continued implementation costs in 2022-23. Join Food4All to stay tuned!
  • P-EBT in CA: Almost all 4.1 million eligible school-age children have recieved their P-EBT cards! Mailing continues. Check the CA P-EBT website for updates.

Great Reads


Beyond the plate:


New Research

Recent work by unBox members and advisors:

More great publications:


Featured job opportunities with unBox community members: More great job opportunities: Calls for submissions
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unBox organizers at Stanford host campus food security event


unBox presents at the UN Food Systems Summit Game Changers Lab Assembly