unBox to present at Universities Fighting World Hunger Conference


Welcome to Black History Month! This month we work to further center, reflect on, and support the pioneering work of Black food justice and policy leaders.

ACTION REQUIRED: We are rescheduling our unBox Team Calls. Please click this link to indicate your consistent weekly availabilities to join, and enter times in Pacific Standard Time. We will meet at our usual Friday 9 am PST/12 pm EST time tomorrow and next week, notify all of the new time, send an invite, and meet at the new time beginning the week of 2/15 - 2/19. 

unBox Team Spotlights:
Team Call Presentation Tomorrow:

  • Tomorrow on our unBox Team Call (9-10 am PST), unBox team researchers Isabelle Foster, Angelina Polselli, Charlie Hoffs, Charly de Nocker, and Chris LeBoa, and advisors Dr. Pasquale Rummo, Dr. Eric Brandt, and Dr. Eric Rimm, will present their findings on nationwide SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot participation data, collected via state-by-state FOIA requests. They eagerly welcome feedback on their presentation and findings, and will be finalizing their research brief for release next week. 
Project Updates:
  • Our nationwide SNAP Online Purchasing participation poster abstract submission to the Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit was accepted! Register here to attend the event March 25-26.
  • We mobilized to help SFUSD ramp up their student data collection campaign, to ensure students' income and address information are updated to receive P-EBT benefits in March.
Stay plugged in:
What We're Reading: Past events:
  • Members attended TechSoup's "Apps That Address Food Insecurity" panel, featuring UN WFP, FlashFood, Feeding America, Code for America, and Open Meal. Find the recording here.  
Upcoming events:
  • February 23, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST and February 24 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST: unBox partner Joint Venture Silicon Valley is hosting their State of the Valley Conference with keynote speaker Julián Castro, 16th Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under President Barack Obama and 2020 presidential election candidate. 

As always, we invite you to our weekly Friday Team Calls, from 9 - 10 AM PT/ 12 - 1 PM ET. Join here:

Join via Zoom (Password: 278840)
Or call in via: +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free) Meeting ID: 957 7481 8469; Password: 278840


The unBox Team

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